Author: Marwan El Khatib

Ambassadors of Peace

August 19, 2018 By Marwan El Khatib

Blue Mission’s flagship program was first implemented in 2002 and sought to combat and end the cycle of violence by equipping children and youth with the skills to become self-aware […]

Green-Up Saida

July 1, 2018 By Marwan El Khatib

In 2018, Blue Mission developed an environmental initiative in the Greater Saida area to promote eco-consciousness in the community and empower youth to create sustainable, eco-friendly solutions to enduring deficiencies […]


April 24, 2017 By Marwan El Khatib

Alleviate Distress and Provide Treatment (ADAPT): was a collaboration from 2016-2017 with Islamic Relief UK and Zaituna that served 1,200 Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese children in the Saida area and […]