April 24, 2017 By Marwan El Khatib

Alleviate Distress and Provide Treatment (ADAPT): was a collaboration from 2016-2017 with Islamic Relief UK and Zaituna that served 1,200 Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese children in the Saida area and Ein El‑Hilweh Camp. The program provided psychosocial support to children to help them alleviate pain from stress and psychological pressure and equip them with the tools to become resilient.

Protect Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Blue Mission partnered with Islamic Relief USA to expand and improve access to psychosocial support and specialized psychological care for vulnerable Syrian youth in the Greater Saida area who struggle with marginalization and precarity.  The project provided awareness sessions to 250 youth and parents on topics that included the psychological implication of child labor, constructive discipline and conflict resolution.

Mobile Medical Unit (MMU): In 2017, Blue Mission partnered with Islamic Relief UK and IDEALS to establish MMUs that served resident and refugee communities in informal settlements in south Lebanon. More than 24,000 people in over 40 settlements benefited from primary health care and awareness sessions on topics such as hygiene and reproductive health.

Seeds of Peace Summer Camp: In 2018, Blue Mission partnered with Secours Islamique France to establish a summer camp in Rmeileh that hosted vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese children.  The program engaged the children through activities designed to entertain while also cultivating a generation committed to peace.  Children also participated in interactive workshops on a range of topics that included gender equality, early marriage, environmental consciousness, and the ramifications of child labor.